Slimming Centres: Scam or Truth?
Having given 6 sessions of complimentary trial by a slimming centre, I decided to give it go even though I was truthfully quite doubtful of the results and for the most part because I thought it would be a good product review. So the session took about 2 and half hours, and this consultant who I was referred to there took measurements of my total body, weight, height and total body fat. When the results were out she said that I had 'too much' fat in my body and that I needed to loose it fast and immediately of course started selling me all these packages to lose weight. I refused to buy those packages she offered and said that I will just go ahead with the basic treatment that was given complimentary... that was her first attempt. She walked me to this room, took before and after pictures of my body and then proceeded with the first treatment. She first rubbed cold gel on my tummy area which was my main fat loosing area and then used a hot tool equipment rubbing against my tummy to 'melt' away the fats. After which she led me to the second room laid me down in this coffin like machine and told me that its main purpose is to increase my metabolism rate and burn total body fat.When the session was over she of course again was pushing for me to buy those packages, bare in mind that the cost of those packages ranged up to at least MYR 3,000 to MYR 30,000. That's completely ridiculous but yet an amount of society are strongly convinced by it. Being a wedding planner/sales person, I knew her tricks so don't even try it with me. I got off her hook giving her excuses like I'll refer a friend to you who I know has been really trying to loose weight for years but bla bla bla (being or adding in the drama always works, trust me!)
So long story short, my whole take or conclusion to this is that:
1)NEVER use the FAST & EASY way out to anything. Slimming centres like this may always promise you this and that result 'without having to go to the gym' or 'not necessarily maintaining a diet plan' or 'you'll see the results in weeks' If having a great body or being fit and healthy is what you want then you have got to work hard for it. Where's the fun and thrill if there's no challenge to that right? If you opt to use the easy way out (and I'm not talking about merely fitness, I'm talking life in general) then how will you learn and unravel new things about yourself? How will you challenge yourself to be the best you choose to be? How will you make yourself so proud and accomplished? Think about it.
2) Body Image.When I was there and refused to buy the packages, the consultant kept saying that she wants to 'help me be skinny' and that I have a 'pear-shaped' body and she wants to 'make it straight' Girl, I really already am slim, I just have fatty areas to work on. When she took the before and after pictures of me, I realized that I love my body for the way it is. I really do. We all have different bodies that we just need to learn to embrace. I for one, had a not so easy time embracing and loving and ultimately accepting my body. You know, sometimes you have to go through the negative to help you journey through the positive.
3) Eat Clean, Train Hard. I never realized me daily diet plan was doing harm to my body, storing more fat in my tummy then I thought it would. You don't need supplements or slimming centres to help you loose weight. They would first say that you don't need the gym and a healthy diet, but once you sign up for it that's when they say 'oh you know you have to control your food and eat healthy as well. Only doing this treatment won't help you loose weight'
In summary, slimming centres in my personal opinion may not be as trustworthy. However, everyone is entitled to their opinions based on their results and testimonies so I'm just gonna leave it as that.
<3 XO