
03:55:00 Talister 0 Comments

Pain is a part of growing. Sometimes life closes doors because it's time to move forward. And that's a good thing because we often won't move unless circumstances force us to. When times are tough, remind yourself that no pain comes without a purpose. Move on from what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you. Just because you're struggling doesn't mean you're failing. Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there. Good things take time, stay patient and stay positive. Everything is going to come together; maybe not immediately, but eventually.
Remember that there are two kinds of pain: pain that hurts and pain that changes you. When you roll with life, instead of resisting it, both kinds help you grow.

                                                           Love yourself, good luck :)



11:35:00 Talister 4 Comments

This post is a personal one for me. I've been thinking about how I was going to write this and if I was ever going to get this on here. There are only two people in my life that I've spoken to about this and they're two of my close girlfriends. Why I'm choosing to share this with all of you is because I love helping people and I believe that this will help you in one way or another. Ever since I was younger (10) I was always 'bigger' then my sisters. Nicknames like 'Fat-ass' and 'fatty' stuck on until I was mid way through uni. Family members talked about our size difference and that made me feel insecure about my body. I was an insecure, self- conscious girl who lacked confidence growing up and I hated the fact that people used to compare our body sizes. haha in fact bloody hell that was how some of them differentiated me from my twin. Growing up, I always listened to what people said about my body and I began to accept the fact that I was 'fat' when I was far from that. I used to look at myself in the mirror saying 'I'm so fat'. I never realized however, that I only felt that way because I was doing to myself what people did to me. I was COMPARING myself to my sisters. And listen here guys, it made me feel horrible. I was constantly unhappy and dissatisfied with my body. Yes, I starved myself, yes I shoved a toothbrush down my throat getting everything that I ate out. Is that healthy? Nope it certainly wasn't. I mean what was I doing to my body and my health? It was not at all good. I'm only 21 and I'm still learning to love myself and be happy with ME and my body. In this process of self learning I've come to learn and accept that those comments that people made and still make about me looking like a 'LAYS' bag of chips is not going to affect me anymore. I'm honestly fed-up and its tiresome when you listen and believe what people say about you. Those comments used to validate what I thought about the size of my body. I never realized how shitty and unhealthy it was to accept and believe what people think and say about you. Well news flash guys, no one knows you better than you do! You know yourself best and don't you ever let those comments that people say about you validate who you are and the way you look. Ask yourself this: Do those comments make me feel good? Do I like feeling this way? If the answer is no, then don't make yourself feel the way I did. It's a learning process and it takes time for you to accept who you are and your body and to love and embrace every inch of it. But when you do, when you feel that happiness and when you find that happiness within yourself not a single one of that negative horseshit comment can break you or make you feel insecure. Like for God's sake, to be honest with you, this is a first for me but I love my body. Like I freaking love it! I love my 34-inch arse and the fact that I don't have and need and want a thigh gap. I feel good about the way I look now and it's absolutely ridiculous that people think I'm fat. Just the thought of people calling me that makes me laugh. I still work out and try to eat healthy when I can, I still indulge in junk food because I let myself have a little treat. I used to put so much pressure on myself to look good, to be as skinny as my sisters and to have a thigh gap. Well boo-freaking-hoo stop comparing yourselves to others, not every body is designed to have a thigh gap cause nobody, like honestly no body is the same. There are more than a billion people in this world but we're all different and special. Yes even us twins. When you learn to believe that, you will feel so flipping good about yourself. So stop being a follower and start being a leader. Be your leader. Love yourself and love your body shut out those negative comments cause they're not going to make you feel any better. It's all up to you when you make that choice. Love yourself you guys, LOVE yourself. God loves you just the way you are :)

                                                                            <3 X


Everybody needs a 'chubby bunny'

10:02:00 Talister 0 Comments

It's currently about a little over 4 a.m now and here I am lying on my bed, Nokia Windows phone in hand tip tapping away whilst my cuddle worthy tiger-elephant printed pillow case is sat leaning against my thigh. I suddenly have this urge at this odd hour to blog as I've just spoken to a good friend of mine who's living overseas whom I've not spoken to for a while now and I must say it feels so good to speak to her again! After having a fulfilling chat with her I've realized that we all need a 'chubby bunny' (one of her many nicknames despite her not being at all near to chubby. How odd!) My idea of a 'chubby bunny' is someone or in fact, it doesn't necessarily have to be someone. It can be something or anything that makes you feel good and nice inside. Like that feeling you get after a good workout or after confession or indulging in your preference of pleasure or the feeling I get when I'm blogging. It's just that feel good, positively pleasing feeling. Something or someone that makes you feel good, like good vibes you know and make you go 'It was so good or nice talking to you!' or 'What a good workout that was!' I'm sure you guys have experienced that before. And I know that we all need that in our lives. Especially after a long tough day at work, uni or school or just during a not so good day. It does matter if we're too preoccupied in our work lives. Fact is, we often forget, ignore or are ignorant to the fact that we all need a 'chubby bunny' now and then. Who is your 'chubby bunny'? I'd genuinely love to know them!
Andddd I'm off to bed now. Goodnight!

                                                                      <3 X


Feeling Lost.

07:04:00 Talister 0 Comments

Okay before any of you jump into conclusions, I just wanna let y'all know that this is not a self pity post. It's just one of those days where I feel lost. Do you guys ever experience days like this? Or is it just me? It's like I don't feel happy and I'm worried. Like about my job or if I'm ever gonna get that call from that guy next week telling me that I secured myself a job that I really want. I'm just worried about this country and the economy of this country and yes it will all matter 5 years from now because it's my future I'm talking about. I sometimes forget what it's like to feel happy. The only time I can say I'm truly happy is when I'm surrounded with my friends. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and we're close but I feel that I'll be happier seeing them if I stay away from home. Maybe then I'll learn to appreciate them more. I don't knowww. I guess I'm just in one of 'those days'. What's got me worrying again is that I feel this way almost weekly now. And that's not one single bit healthy. Hopefully prayers will help!
Anyway, I'm going to finish my bottle of green tea that's gotten cold now and continue reading this amazing book by Judith O'Reilly titled 'A Year of Doing Good'. Feeling a tad bit better now that I've expressed how I feel! I love you guys and I hope y'all love yourselves too :)

                                           (Ignore the price tag that I tried removing! haha)
                                                                         X <3


'I Don't Mind Doing It'

22:11:00 Talister 0 Comments

This isn't what you think it is! (as per the title) hahah you dirty dirty minds you! Well I'm currently interning at a hotel under the sales and marketing department. Sixth week in, 6 more weeks to go! and my boss wants me to remain here as a permanent staff but I've yet to come to a decision. 

I've had this thought running in my mind for a couple days now and I am still partially clueless as to what I'm deciding to go on with. It's quite stressful and not easy I must say! 

Something I've learnt from this is don't do or settle for something because you don't mind doing it. We all have dreams and accomplishments that we'd love to achieve one day. A gold medal as a sign of our victory and success and accomplishment and reward.  My dream is to own my first ever fragrance ranging from perfumes to body mists then expanding to scented candles cause I LOVE scented candles and then to designing my own cool t-shirts which I already have designs of in fact. That's my ultimate dream. Right now however my second dream is to work for a fashion and beauty magazine or an events management team.

During the course of my internship I've realized that I absolutely love writing; feature lifestyle article writing that is. My body screams with excitement when I see my work being published in the hotels in-house print ads as well their social media accounts and Website. It certainly gives me pleasure and I feel proud and satisfied with my work which is amazing because it drives me and keeps me motivated to performing even better and bringing it up a notch for the next project assigned.

So, as of now, I still have yet to make my decision as to which career path I will essentially sail into once I've completed my internship program but I know prayers will help me with that.

X <3


Christmas & New Years Eve Make-up Tutorial

07:10:00 Talister 0 Comments

So firstly after cleansing and moisturizing my face, I used Max Factor 
correcting cream over my face

I moved on to apply Bodyshop's foundation, this is the cream type and I highly recommend for you guys to get it. It's smooth and gives your complexion a smooth moisturizing look and it stayed on longer then I expected it to!

Next, I applied the second foundation from Sephora just so it will last even longer on my face throughout the night.

On to the eyes now. I used Skin Food's eggplant eye shadow at the inner corner of my eyes to give it a brighter look. It looks like gold actually.

Next, I applied Maybeline's black stick eye liner at the bottom of my eye lid as well as the inner top of my top eye lid. Applying eye liner at the inner top of your eye lid will give you that 'falsies' look! Now that you know this secret, you need not worry about the hassle of putting on falsies. Your welcome haha :D

Right, for the eye shadow I used Loreal's brownish-bronze-maroon first on my eye lid

I then applied a darker shade of brown towards the outer corner of my eyes

Silky Girls's gel eye liner is really good for applying liner at the top. I rocked the 'cat-eye' look. I recommend using gel liner just cause I feel it stays longer and it wouldn't smear when wet. But you guys can use liquid liner as well.

I finished it of by blobbing on two coats of Estee Lauder's mascara

The result of my eye make-up. I left my brows as it is.

 And last but not least blusher! I don't actually have blusher so I used my eye shadow instead! Here's a trick for perfecting your blush! First, with your brush measure the length from your nose to the end of your cheek, then measure diagonally the length from your nose to your ears. The results should give you an idea and help you of the area your blush should be applied to.

And here I am rocking a selfie of the end product. As for my hair I just pinned it into a low bun and added wax and hairspray for a longer lasting look. 

My Christmas dress from 'Nicole'

New Years Eve outfit!

Hope guys liked it and found it helpful. Oh and HAPPY BLEEPIN NEW YEAR GUYS!! I wish you guys the best of luck in everything that you  partake in and lots of love, joy and happiness in your hearts. Don't forget to thank God for a welcoming 2015 as well. :) Byee
