A very beachy holiday!

04:07:00 Talister 0 Comments

Happy new years eve you guys!! What are your plans for tonight? :D Okay so moving on from my new years eve excitement for now, thought I share my very exciting, crazy and definitely not one to forget trip I made with my girlies two weekends ago before they headed back home to their respective countries for good ;( boo-freaking-hoo. So we spent two crazy nights together in Port Dickson, went hiking and it was beautiful. The scenery was indeed amazing! The first two pictures above are the views from way on top the lighthouse. We continued our hike and the jungle then opened up to a beautiful beach. It's like the ones you would see in movies where it opens up to like a deserted beach of some sort. Accept this beach was not deserted and we were not stranded on a lonely island building a campfire, stood in a circle singing 'Kumbaya' and sticking sticks into fishes for food, when a hot ass men then comes and rescues us. It sort of reminded me of sexy Leonardo Dicaprio in the movie 'The Beach' for some reason and 'Survivor' oh and 'The Even Stevens Movie' if you guys remember that. But anyhow, it was really really nice. I definitely had an amazing trip with my chummies and I'm gonna miss them a hell lot. These girls are truly amazing friends. 

Also, I know its already December and I'm meant to post my outfits monthly. So, as I really wanna share what I'll be wearing tonight I will post up both my Christmas and new years eve outfits tomorrow, together with a make-up post. So look out for the new blog posts tomorrow! Have an amazing time ringing in the new year and please be safe! xo
X <3


Merry Christmas Everyone!!

23:12:00 Talister 0 Comments

Woohoo its Christmas!!! Merry Christmas loves!! Just thought of sharing with you guys some of the things that I absolutely love during Christmas! I hope everyone's having a good time this Christmas with your friends and family and of course the food! ;) Have fun!

 X <3 


#Fab-mode 1

10:11:00 Talister 0 Comments

Happy Sunday everybody!! So I'm finally uploading something between the lines
of fashion! :D These are the only two outfits that I managed to take a picture of, unfortunately
but I do love what is on me for this month. I'll be posting my outfits monthly,
beginning from this month on wards. 
Denim Jacket- Primark
White top- I can't seem to remember the name of the boutique 
I got it from. Sorry! I'll inform you guys when I remember
Black Tights
Lipstick- Revlon
Earrings- Forever 21
Bracelet- Got if from a shop in Eindhoven!
White Jacket- Nicchi
Floral Romper- Cotton On

X <3


My Scrumptious Eggs!

07:04:00 Talister 0 Comments

Hi gum drops! So I finally perfected my scramble eggs after countless fail attempts and just thought I'd share my secret as to how I got it perfected. I used two eggs but if you're trying to eat healthy or are eating healthy then just use the egg whites. Seasoning (pepper & salt), and 2 tablespoons of full cream milk, you can use cream or soy milk, almond milk any milk of your choice. Also feel free to add in any additional ingredients of your choice like tomatoes, avocado, herbs, onions work pretty well too, cheese. Use goats cheese for a healthier alternative. Put a table spoon of olive oil into the pan and once the oil is hot enough add in the eggs first. Then quickly mix it around before it turns brown. Add in your seasoning, additional ingredients like onions, cheese and avocado and lastly pour in the milk. Once the milk is fully absorbed into the eggs take it off the fire. Your eggs have to come out looking slightly wet and soft like the ones you get at the hotels. The secret is firstly, MILK and whilst cooking your eggs, remove it from the fire off and on. The key is to not have your pan sat directly on the fire the whole time you're cooking it. Get it off the fire once you add your eggs in then put it back on when you add in the milk. The eggs will still be cooking when you remove it from the fire as it is still hot. I hope you guys find this secret of mine useful and helpful. Remember to not give up on trying to get your eggs perfected! Perfection takes time. Please feel free to comment below and share this post. You can now also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Instagram if you'd like as I've just added that into my blog. I was so excited to have finally got that in here! Been wanting to add those social media icons in for a while now hahah so anyway, good luck with your scrambled eggs and I'll speak to you guys next week. Byeeeeeee!



Slit-throat Secret

22:22:00 Talister 0 Comments

Hi lovelies! How's the start of November been treating you so far? So as you can all see I kind of got my throat slit!.............. haha no worries though, it's evidently fake. This is just some make up I did on myself for Halloween! I've always loved dressing up and there's no better time to go cray cray then on Halloween. But anyways, before I go on rambling for my love of Halloween I'll first share with you guys a guide as to how I got 'my throat slit'.

 Firstly the stuff that I used to blend or give the slit a more realistic effect was: Flour and Water! Yep it was just that! Simple right? You can use latex or wax as well if you have it or have used it before but if you don't own them, like me then you can go ahead and use flour and water. There's no exact amount as to how much water or flour you should use. Just mix them together until you get this sticky rubber like consistency that you can pull apart. If you have added in too much water, making it batter-y like then just add more flour into it.

For the bloody gruesome effect you need: Red or maroon lipstick. You can use maroon, red or dark purple eye shadow as well. Just make sure that the eye shadow is not glittery. You also need black eye liner or again you can use black eye shadow or paint! haha I used both paint and eye liner. And some black thread or dark coloured thread to make it look stitched up as well as concealer or foundation to blend the flour to the colour of your skin, and some fake liquid blood or gooey blood.

Stick the flour-water mixture to your throat and wait for it to dry up. What you can do is place the mixture around your throat and just peel it in the middle to give it an open throat effect, but I just layered one line of the mixture above my throat and left an inch gap and layered another layer of the mixture below it. Its a lot easier the way I did it. Once its all dried, blend it in with your skin tone using foundation or concealer. Next, take your maroon lipstick or eye shadow and colour in the area where you left a gap. After that blend it in with your red lipstick or eye shadow. Remember to leave the edge of the gap uncoloured as you will have to colour that in with your black eye liner, eye shadow or paint.  Once that's all done cut up pieces of your thread and stick them using eye lash glue or any glue that will hold the thread in its place. Lastly, spread on some fake blood and you're good to go! It's so simple, trust me! Oh yeah and one note though, the flour hardens up throughout the day. I hope you found this helpful and enjoy doing it as much as I did. Comment below for any questions, suggestions. This is my first time doing it, I ain't no expert. You can check out the YouTube links below where I got a little helping hand from. Byeeeeeeeee!

'Latex/wax' mixture: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sjfMLRyhXQ (Skip to 2:13)



You deserve to be happy

08:07:00 Talister 0 Comments

Hey guys! So my mum sent me this article she got of this website called 'Catholic News Service'. She thought it was a good read and suggested I read it as well and so I did & I wanna share it with you guys! Single, or not you guys should give this a read! I'm not sure what's the dudes name but I do know he's single and he had post up this article he wrote on Facebook.

Why people change after marriage?

We sometimes wonder why people change after marriage. In some cases the man changes and suddenly becomes cold, in other cases the woman becomes cold and distant, becomes disrespectful etc.

Another change that marriage is apt to bring isn't so much a change as an awakening to certain harsh realities. The man begins to notice his wife isn't really friendly with her toothbrush, isn't really excited about the idea of taking a bath, or of washing her hair/night wear, or vice versa (i.e. or the woman sees these in the man). The woman knew her husband has a thing for bottles (before they were married) but now begins to be uncomfortable with having him reek off beer and smoke in bed, she notices the man snores, and is a real Jackie Chan in his dreams, kicking her out of the bed...

If those two have the same problems, well, I believe they'll have a happy home, with conflicting mouth and body odours fighting for supremacy. But if only one is left to suffer the stench, this could have a strong and life-changing effect on their perception of the other. The man can no longer find the clean woman he fell in love with. And the woman has lost the slick, smooth man she fell for.

Now, God in his infinite mercy gives us gifts that really help before and during this mess. Foresight and fortitude: Before they get married, couples who aren't yet busy blurring their vision by premarital sex are able to perceive this problem and can either remedy it (for temporal habits like mouth washing and bathing) or run away(for deep-seated problems like pride, and selfishness). Many actually are able to catch glimpses. However for some reason they refuse to act fast. These people deceive themselves with one of these two most popular foolish phrases "he/she will change" and "my case will be different". They keep telling themselves that even though they lick a truckload of ice cream they can't get fat, "my case will be different", the extra pounds later prove them wrong and leaves them depressed. Yet for some reason they refuse to acknowledge to truth to anyone. They refuse to tell even their close friends that their fiancee has big problems and that they need advice.

Especially women, who would lie to their friends, talking big about their man just so they could be branded "the happening babe in town".. what they don't tell you is how much tears they shed at night, even when they still have time, they do nothing. Your fiance hits you, cheats, drinks a whole lot. But because he's got a few bucks he's okay and "will change" when you're married, or because she's pretty, you're scared you may never find anyone as pretty. Worse still you've slept with him a zillion times and your sense of judgement is impaired. God gives us grace to break away from such relationships while there's yet time. Whether you'll respond to that grace is totally up to you. If you ask me, no one deserves to be unhappy "till death do them part". We all deserve to be happy for the rest of our loves, to live with men and women who respect is as Persons, as children of God who treat us with respect and reverence, and who reciprocate our love and generosity. To mind, my personal happiness is just too important to throw away because of some sick, silly twisted love. Jesus said you should love "as you love yourself" but clearly throwing away your happiness isn't exactly a sign of healthy self love. I must love myself to a healthy degree in order to be able to pour my heart on others, on the whole earth for God's sake. Therefore, I'd rather stay single than get married to a woman who'd keep me miserable for the rest of my life. Marriage isn't a do or die affair, don't be in a haste, don't be desperate. Everyone mustn't be married to be happy, but everyone must be happy to really be into a marriage. Call me a fool, but am way better waking up strong and happy alone than waking in a woman's embrace who in a few minutes will make my life a living hell.

Be wise, open your eyes and see, only God gives real happiness, do not offend him trying to snatch it from nature, it bounces back with a deadly blow!

Hope this article helped you and served as an eye opener. Always remember: You deserve to be happy, but ultimately at the end of the day, only you can decide your own happiness. Everybody wants to be happy but being happy is a matter of choice. Love you all!

                                                                        X <3


'20 facts about me' tag

04:53:00 Talister 0 Comments

                             I got tagged to do this a while back. Finally doing it haha
                                             So here's 20 facts about me! xo

  1. I have a love-hate relationship with my 'diet'
  2. I snort when I have a really hard good laugh. 
  3. God and family is my everything and my number one.
  4. I've been a lover and had interest in fashion and beauty ever since I was a little girl. I used to get upset & cry when my mum picked out something I found unflattering to wear. She has since gave me the liberty to wear whatever I wish to haha!
  5. I'd really love to start up my very own beauty product line. i.e; make-up, bath products, body mists, perfume, etc
  6. I'm in my final year in uni, majoring in Corporate Communication.
  7. However, Corporate Communication is my plan B. My Plan A is to get into fashion and beauty.
  8. I'm not a quit-er. I'll try my best to accomplish whatever I start if I firmly believe in it.
  9. I'm quite a shy person but meeting the friends I made whilst at uni has helped me in some ways to get out of my comfort zone and be more of a social butterfly.
  10. I love guys that smell good!
  11. And if they can play the guitar, that's an added bonus!
  12. I love traveling and baking.
  13. I'm now learning to play the guitar! :D
  14. I took up art lessons when I was 10 but I quit a year after that. ONLY because I was interested in ballet! Ballet lessons never happened though.
  15. I don't know why I have a thing for boy bands. Like you name it!  One Direction, The Wanted, The Janoskians. I can't get enough of them!
  16. I watch YouTubers videos almost every night before I go to bed because they make me happy :) X
  17. Huge LFC fan!
  18. I pull on a strong brave face if something or someone upsets me at that very moment. Truthfully inside I'm balling my eyes out.
  19. Despite that, I've learned to handle and face life in a more optimistic and mature way.
  20. I love helping and advicing people in any way that I can. I feel loved when people come to me for advice :)
                                                              X <3



New things!

22:19:00 Talister 3 Comments

Hi everybody! It feels good to be back and blogging after a couple of busy years. So I don't actually have followers but I'm gonna talk to you guys, my future readers anyway. After scrolling through my cringe worthy, now removed blog posts I've decided to change it up a bit. I am now going to write about what has been my interest since I was 10: Fashion & Beauty. I will also definitely be updating on what I've been up to and anything at all really. Anything that you'd like me to talk about. Love you my future readers. 
